By Jemina Napier Click here to see a version of this blogpost in BSL. As part of the Justisigns project, which is funded through the European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme, a masterclass was run in November 2015 jointly between the Heriot-Watt University BSL/Justisigns team and Police Scotland and included CID/police interview […]
Tag: translation
Translating Cultures Peru / Traduciendo Culturas Perù
by Raquel De Pedro Ricoy “Unequal exchanges: The role of Peruvian indigenous translators and interpreters in resource-exploitation consultation processes” Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. 14:15-17:15, 12 April 2016 The Centre for Translation and Interpreting Studies in Scotland (CTISS) at Heriot- Watt University will host a symposium on the role of Peruvian indigenous translators and interpreters in consultations […]
Lost in Trados?
Look no further. This year we are organising a CAT Tools Series as part of our CPD Programmes, starting with Trados Studio 2015. The 1-day Beginners Course takes place on April 5th and the 1-day Advanced Course takes place on April 22nd. Register now as places are limited! For more information on all our spring […]
Starting Work as a Translator or Interpreter
by Fanny Chouc LINCS and Career Services teamed up again to hold the annual SWATI (Starting Work as a Translator or Interpreter) event on campus, for the 6th year running, on Saturday 13th February. The one hundred or so places were booked in no time, and despite the snowy weather, Lecture Theatre 3 filled up […]
Special Issue of New Voices in Translation Studies – with Guest Editors from LINCS
by Pedro Castillo, Penny Karanasiou, Marwa Shamy and Lee Williamson We are delighted to announce the publication of the Special Issue (number 12) of New Voices in Translation Studies. The issue includes a selection of the best papers submitted after IPCITI 2013, organised in Heriot-Watt, and it is the result of the long standing collaboration […]
Giving it away
by Jonathan Downie Translators and interpreters know all about being passionate. Most of us arrived in this industry because we were passionate about helping people communicate. Many of us also carry a passion for the industry itself. We get into debates over conditions, working practices and clients. In two words: we care. This “care” can […]
Why we all need double vision
by Jonathan Downie Why would an interpreter who was beginning to get valuable clients spend his non-working time reading research papers? Why would a translator who was learning to network start applying for conferences on Translation Studies rather than for a nice CAT tool presentation? Those are good questions. In fact, they are questions I […]