On Deafhood Space

by Steve Emery   [English version] Last week, I went to Paddy Ladd’s lecture. He was talking about “Deafhood – A Pedagogy”, which was about theories of teaching Deaf children. It was really interesting, but there was one part of his lecture that really got me thinking,  when he was talking about  “Wounded Space”, which […]

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Collaboration and innovation to explore sign language brokering experiences

by Jemina Napier Click here to see this post in British Sign Language Previous blogs have reported how I am conducting research on experiences of language brokering in the Deaf community, which looks at the communication support that both deaf and hearing PDFs (People from Deaf Families) give to their deaf parents to communicate with hearing […]

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Interpreting for deaf jurors

  http://youtu.be/_7uYtXD_J34 (BSL version) Jury service in adversarial court systems is an important civic duty and responsibility. Jurors have to understand and weigh up evidence presented, assess the credibility of witnesses and decide on the likelihood of certain events having occurred in the light of their own personal experiences. There has been increasing interest in whether […]

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Sign language brokering experiences in the Deaf community

Many people will have seen the video of the cute young girl Claire Koch singing Christmas carols and simultaneously signing the songs in American Sign Language for her deaf parents that went viral in December 2013. The general response was the feel good factor – how amazing, considerate and talented this little girl is. Children like […]

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Who's who in BSL at Heriot-Watt University

Welcome to the 4th BSL blog on lifelinlincs After the last three weeks where you have seen discussion of sign language-related topics, in the blog for this week we thought we would take the opportunity to do a profile of the BSL team at Heriot-Watt University – a who’s who of the ten members of […]

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