Moving Languages English Application now live and available!

    The Moving Languages English Application launch took place on Friday 8th June at the George Davies Lecture Theatre, Esmée Fairbairn building, Heriot-Watt University. The Moving Languages application is the result of an EU-funded project led by Finnish organisation Learnmera Oy, with LINCS at Heriot-Watt as one of the partners. The app is designed to help new migrants learn […]

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Moving Languages Project

A mobile phone is proven to be a crucial tool for newly arrived migrants’ and refugees’ wellbeing and integration into their host country. Dr Katerina Strani from LINCS is leading the UK team of the Moving Languages project. Moving Languages is a 27-month Erasmus+ project (2016-1-FI01-KA204-022678) led by Learnmera Oy in Finland. It has six partners […]

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The Translating the Deaf Self project: Wrapping up and what’s next?

By Jemina Napier, Alys Young, Rosemary Oram, Robert Skinner & Noel O’Connell Click here to see a BSL version of the blog, presented by Rosemary Oram. In two previous LifeinLINCS blog posts in March 2016 and August 2016, we have provided an overview of our Translating the Deaf Self project. The AHRC Translating Cultures research innovation […]

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RADAR Workshop: From Hate Speech to Hate Communication

“From hate speech to hate communication: How racism is produced and reflected through communicative practices” Free training workshop 16th and 17th June 2016 George Davies Lecture Theatre, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh   RADAR – Regulating AntiDiscrimination and AntiRacism (Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme JUST/2013/FRAC/AG/6271) is an EU-funded programme that brings together nine partners from six countries. […]

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Justisigns Translation workshop

 By Jemina Napier                            Click here to see a version of this blogpost in BSL.   As part of the Justisigns project, which is funded through the European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme, a masterclass was run in November 2015 jointly between the Heriot-Watt University BSL/Justisigns team and Police Scotland and included CID/police interview […]

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Translating Cultures Peru / Traduciendo Culturas Perù

by Raquel De Pedro Ricoy “Unequal exchanges: The role of Peruvian indigenous translators and interpreters in resource-exploitation consultation processes” Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. 14:15-17:15, 12 April 2016 The Centre for Translation and Interpreting Studies in Scotland (CTISS) at Heriot- Watt University will host a symposium on the role of Peruvian indigenous translators and interpreters in consultations […]

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Translating the Deaf Self: An update

  By Jemina Napier   Click here to see a BSL version of the blog   Members of Centre for Translation & Interpreting Studies Scotland (Jemina Napier and Robert Skinner) are working in collaboration with researchers from the Social Research with Deaf People (SORD) group at the University of Manchester (Alys Young and Rosemary Oram) […]

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Looking for participants for anti-racism and anti-discrimination research project

A few months ago we posted some information on a new research project in LINCS on how racist hate crimes are communicatively constructed. The project is called RADAR – Regulating AntiDiscrimination and AntiRacism – JUST/2013/FRAC/AG/6271. It brings together 9 partners from 6 countries and it is funded by the European Commission Directorate General for Justice. The overall aim […]

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New project: RADAR – Regulating Anti-discrimination and Anti-Racism

The RADAR project has officially started! Funded by the European Commission Directorate General for Justice, RADAR (RADAR – Regulating AntiDiscrimination and AntiRacism – JUST/2013/FRAC/AG/6271) involves 9 partners including Heriot-Watt and it will be conducted over 24 months (November 2014 – October 2016). The  aim is to provide law enforcement officials and legal professionals with the necessary […]

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