JUSTISIGNS 2 project:

Development of a BSL glossary of key terms related to domestic, sexual and gender-based violence By Jemina Napier See link to this blogpost in British Sign Language (BSL): https://youtu.be/Wj4yYgccVhw In this v/blogpost Jemina Napier from the SIGNS@HWU team in the Centre of Translation & Interpreting Studies in Scotland (CTISS) at Heriot-Watt University provides an overview […]

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दुभाषिया की मध्यस्थता मानसिक स्वास्थ्य अधिनियम आकलन (INForMHAA)

परियोजना प्रगति अद्यतन संख्या।2 – Jemina Napier यह वी/ब्लॉगपोस्ट बीएसएल, अंग्रेजी, स्पेनिश, फ्रेंच और हिंदी में उपलब्ध है BSL: https://youtu.be/Q4bjGhdApfw यह वी/ब्लॉगपोस्ट,  INforMHAA प्रोजेक्ट टीम की ओर से इस परियोजना पर अब तक की गई शोध का विवरण है। पहले वी/ब्लॉगपोस्ट ने परियोजना के लक्ष्यों और प्रमुख कारणों की जानकारी प्रदान की है।  इसमें हमारे […]

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Projet INforMHAA: évaluations de la santé mentale menées en vertu de la loi sur la santé mentale par l’intermédiaire d’interprètes

Rapport d’activités – Jemina Napier Ce v/blogpost est en disponible en BSL, anglais, espagnol, français et hindi BSL: https://youtu.be/Q4bjGhdApfw Dans cet article, l’équipe INforMHAA vous fournit une mise à jour des progrès accomplis jusqu’à présent. Notre premier post a présenté une vue d’ensemble du projet : les objectifs, les phases principales du cycle de vie du […]

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Proyecto INForMHAA: evaluaciones de salud mental llevadas a cabo de conformidad con la Ley de Salud Mental mediadas por intérpretes

Informe de actividad – Jemina Napier Esta v/blogpost está disponible en BSL, inglés, español, francés e hindi BSL: https://youtu.be/Q4bjGhdApfw En esta entrada del (video-)blog, las integrantes del grupo de investigación INForMHAA compartimos algunos de los últimos avances de nuestro trabajo. En la primera entrada del (video-)blog del proyecto INForMHAA, ofrecimos una descripción general del proyecto […]

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JUSTISIGNS 2 project

Supporting deaf female victims of domestic, sexual and gender-based violence By Jemina Napier & Lucy Clark See link to this blogpost in British Sign Language (BSL): Following on from our last v/blogpost, in this v/blogpost Jemina Napier and Lucy Clark from the SIGNS@HWU team in the Centre of Translation & Interpreting Studies in Scotland (CTISS) […]

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INterpreter-mediated Mental Health Act Assessments (INForMHAA)

Project update Celia Hulme & Jemina Napier Click here for the blog post in BSL Introduction I am Jemina Napier, from Heriot-Watt University, and I am Celia Hulme, from the University of Manchester, and here we provide an overview of a project that we are both involved in as part of a research team. The […]

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DESIGNS project update

By Audrey Cameron Click here to see this blogpost in British Sign Language. After our initial blogpost about the new DESIGNS: Deaf people in employment project in January 2017, which gave an overview of the project and talked about the kick-off event in Dublin, we have since held a community information event at Heriot-Watt University […]

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DESIGNS: Employment in Deaf signing communities

by Jemina Napier Click here to see post in BSL. On 12th and 13th January 2017, the kick-off meeting for the DESIGNs project (Deaf Employment for Sign Language Users in the EU) took place in Dublin, Ireland. The 30-month project is modeled on the recently completed Justisigns project, which was funded through the European Commission’s […]

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The Translating the Deaf Self project: Wrapping up and what’s next?

By Jemina Napier, Alys Young, Rosemary Oram, Robert Skinner & Noel O’Connell Click here to see a BSL version of the blog, presented by Rosemary Oram. In two previous LifeinLINCS blog posts in March 2016 and August 2016, we have provided an overview of our Translating the Deaf Self project. The AHRC Translating Cultures research innovation […]

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