
Workshop: Machine Translation Post-Editing with a focus on metaphor

Sat 8 June: 1-day training workshop on metaphor in MTPE The Department of Languages and Intercultural Studies is offering a 1-day training workshop on metaphor in Machine Translation Post-Editing. This is a hybrid event, so you can either attend on the Heriot-Watt Edinburgh campus or join us online. The workshop is free of charge as […]

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STEM Sign Language Summit

Gary Quinn from LINCS attended this event at Gallaudet University in Washington DC I’m excited to share some news with you. Last week, I had the opportunity to deliver a keynote presentation alongside Dr. Audrey Cameron from the University of Edinburgh at the inaugural Global STEM Sign Language Summit held at Gallaudet University in Washington […]

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Bridging the Gap: Heriot-Watt ventures down south

Jemina Napier, Manako Yabe, Suji Sahasrabude & Karolien Gebruers See here for BSL version: This v/blogpost is about the experiences of several members of the SIGNS@HWU team in the Department of Languages & Intercultural Studies at Heriot-Watt University, who travelled down south from Edinburgh in Scotland to the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) in […]

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Career networking opportunities for LINCS students

This week, LINCS students on the MSc Interpreting programmes will have 3 fantastic opportunities to expand their professional horizons: 1. The annual event ‘Starting Work as Translator or Interpreter’ organised by our Career Liaison Officer for LINCS, Fanny Chouc. This is a mix of formal online sessions, where professionals give talks on their own experience […]

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ToFIE – Tools for Inclusive Education

The “Tools for Inclusive Education” project (Erasmus+ 2020-2022) aims at providing educators with knowledge and skills in the fields of specific learning disorders, promote their professional development and supply them with tools they can apply in their daily work. A special interest lies in higher education students not studying in their first language. Aligned with […]

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EUMASLI 2023 – Thessaloniki, Greece – 13 & 14 September 2023

At LINCS we offer a  MSc in Sign Language Interpreting – often called the EUMASLI course – the EU Master in Sign Language Interpreting in association with our partners: Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences in Germany and Humak University of Applied Sciences in Finland. We have just finished our fourth iteration of this course to […]

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SILENT HARM: Empowering Deaf Women Surviving Domestic Violence Post-Covid:

An Inclusive approach to resilience & recovery in rural areas By Jemina Napier & Lucy Clark, Heriot-Watt University Lorraine Leeson & Lianne Quigley, Trinity College Dublin Summary of this blogpost in BSL and ISL with subtitles and spoken English interpretation: Background This project was funded through a Royal Society of Edinburgh-Royal Irish Academy Scotland-Ireland […]

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1st English Retour Interpreting Summer School held online

(14 to 16 July 2023)   Congratulations to Dr Eloisa Monteoliva and the academic team (Kate Ferguson, Juliette Rutherford, Tania Aitken, Sarah Goulding) for the huge success of the first online version of the English Retour Interpreting Summer School (14 to 16 July 2023).    The course was attended by 12 professional interpreters with the following […]

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Roundtable on literary translation

This event was held on Friday 9th June, and streamed online via Zoom. It was interpreted live by M.A. and MSc students, with the spoken interpreters working either remotely or on-site in the LINCS interpreting labs. There were 61 registrations for the event, with a mixture of university students and school pupils, and 150 views […]

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Transformations in European Societies

By Chiara Cocco and Leri Price In May 2023, members of the IRC visited Berlin to take part in the Transformations in European Societies (TiES) doctoral programme. TiES connects doctoral students and academic staff from selected universities in Scotland, Austria, Croatia, Switzerland, Spain, Germany, Israel, and Denmark through a biannual programme of seminars and presentations. […]

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