How could research help you?

If you could ask translation and interpreting researchers to look into one thing, what would it be? Here is a simple poll to get you started. Please do leave extended answers in the comments.

Please note, the question below should read:

If you could ask translation and interpreting researchers to look into one thing, what would it be? Sadly, the poll cannot be editied now without resetting the result. Apologies for the typo.

[polldaddy poll=6285388]

2 thoughts on “How could research help you?

  1. I think that the question you would ask will depend on what stage of your career you are. How to improve your skills should be an ongoing activity for every translator or interpreter. If you are just starting, then how to get more work, what clients want, pricing, negotiation, etc. will be the questions you will be desperate to get some answers for! I ticked “teminology” because the more you work, the more organised you need to be with glossaries, etc. and if you are not aware of this, suddenly you will be lost in a sea of words. Organising glossaries as you go, finding terminology online, is one of the most useful things you can get information about.

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