Welcome to the second newsletter of our Erasmus+ project Intercultural Training for Educators (InterTrainE). The 26-month project (2018-2020) is led by Heriot-Watt University and the Coordinator is Dr Katerina Strani from the Department of Languages and Intercultural Studies.
InterTrainE includes 7 partners from 4 countries (UK, Finland, Italy and Greece) and aims to develop an intercultural training programme for educators teaching adult migrants.
The partners are:
- Heriot-Watt University, UK
- Creative Learning Programmes (CLP), UK
- Il Sicomoro, Italy
- Studio Risorse, Italy
- Region of Crete / KEKAPER, Greece
- European Education & Learning Institute, Greece
- Learning for Integration ry, Finland
Specifically, the project develops a modularised training curriculum with qualification standards specialised for Adult Education. It will also produce a handbook for trainers including a theoretical framework of basic concepts, learning outcomes and the training package itself which will include practical exercises and, where possible, case studies. All the training materials will be uploaded to a MOOC.
Multiplier Events will take place in each country in 2020 (watch this space for details!).
A Joint Staff Training Event will take place in Rethymnon, Crete, in March/April 2020, where the partners will test the curriculum and training materials before these are finalised and presented at the Final Dissemination Conference in Edinburgh in September 2020.

Partners met at Studio Risorse‘s offices and discussed:
- the recommendations from Outputs 1 and 2 (Needs analysis on Intercultural Training for Educators of Adult Migrants). More than 250 educators and learners took part in the research for these outputs, which aimed to identify existing needs on intercultural training for educators of adult migrants in the partner countries.
- the external evaluator’s feedback. The external evaluator for the project, Dr Jim Crowther, Senior Lecturer in Community Education, University of Edinburgh, participated in the meeting, gave extensive feedback on Outputs 1 and 2 and recommendations for the next stages.
- curriculum development and the design for Output 3
- the project website and Moodle (Output 4)
- dissemination and social media update
- progress report for the funder due in May
The full agenda of the meeting can be found here.

Progress – Curriculum design
For information on O1 and O2, please see our previous newsletter as well as our website, where you will be able to download the relevant reports.
We have agreed on a curriculum structure for Intellectual Output 3 (O3). The curriculum for our Intercultural Training course will be designed in a modularised form and translated into the partners’ languages (Finnish, Italian and Greek) by July 2019, after which the relevant O3 report will be published on our website.

Course materials
Each partner will develop course materials which will be adapted according to local needs (see recommendations in national reports for O1 and O2). These course materials will constitute Output 4 and they will be online in the form of a Moodle by April 2020.
In the meantime, Multiplier Events will be organised in each country (UK, Italy, Greece, Finland) to test the material before they are live on the project platform / Moodle.
March/April 2020 will also see the project’s Joint Staff Training Event will take place in Rethymnon, Crete.
Project website and social media accounts
Our project website includes information and updates on our project, as well as all Intellectual Outputs to date. The website is available in all partner languages – English, Greek, Italian and Finnish.
Updates are published regularly on social media. To make sure you don’t miss out:
Like us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter and Instagram
Follow us on Research Gate

Next project meeting

Helsinki, Finland
For any questions or comments, please contact the project coordinator:
Dr Katerina Strani
Department of Languages and Intercultural Studies
Henry Prais Building
Heriot-Watt University
Edinburgh EH14 4AS
Tel: +44 131 451 4216