by Stacey Webb
Over the past year, Christine Wilson and the rest of the organising committee have been planning Critical Link 8 (CL8), which was hosted at Heriot-Watt University 29-June – 1 July, with pre-conference activities on 27-28 June.
Therefore, the Monday after the SML graduation, Heriot-Watt staff and student volunteers were busy ensuring the success of this conference. For those who are unsure what Critical Link is, it is an organization that exists to:
- Promote the establishment of standards which guide the practice of community interpreters
- Encourage and sharing research in the field of community interpretation
- Add to the discussion about the educational and training requirements for community interpreters
- Advocate for the provision of professional community interpreting services by social, legal and health care institutions
- Raise awareness about community interpreting as a profession (Critical Link, 2016)
The theme of this year’s conference was the “next generation”- which we see very fitting with our recent graduates!
The conference was a huge event. Read the news story on the main HW website here.
Our BSL team was nicely represented with posters, presentations and the provision of interpreting services:
Brett Best, EUMASLI Graduate, How Signed Language Interpreters Perceive Facebook is Used by the Interpreting Community
Heather Mole, 2nd year PhD Student, Do sign language interpreters think about their power and privilege as members of the majority hearing group?
Jemina Napier, Head of LINCS/ Robert Skinner, Research Assistant and PhD Student (September 2017) in conjunction with Rosemary Oram and Alys Young from University of Manchester, Social Research with Deaf people Group, Critical links between Deaf culture, well being and interpreting: Translating the Deaf Self
Stacey Webb, 3rd year PhD Student, Job Demands Job Resources: Exploration of sign language interpreter educators’ experiences
Robyn Dean, 2016 PhD Graduate, An Idol of the Mind: Barriers to justice reasoning in sign language interpreters
Emmy Kauling, EUMASLI Graduate and PhD Student (September 2017), Tomorrow’s interpreter in higher education: a critical link between omissions and content knowledge
Professor Jemina Napier, Head of LINCS/ Robert Skinner, Research Assistant and PhD Student (September 2017), and Professor Graham Turner, in conjunction with external colleagues Loraine Leeson,Theresa Lynch, Tobias Haug, Heidi Salaets, Myriam Vermeerbergen & Haaris Sheikh Justisigns: Future proofing access to justice for deaf sign language users
Stacey Webb, Assistant Professor in Sign Language Studies & Suzanne Ehrlich from the University of North Florida, Reflective Practice as a Pedagogical Strategy for Interpreter Educators
Yvonne Waddell, 3rd year PhD student, Exploring the language and communication strategies of a mental health working with an interpreter in mental health interactions with Deaf patients.
Interpreting Provision
Marion Fletcher, BSL Interpreter Coordinator at Heriot-Watt, did an excellent job coordinating the interpreting services for the conference. The team was made up of some fabulous interpreters and a few of them are also members of the Heriot-Watt BSL team. So a special shout out to our own- Professor Jemina Napier, Yvonne Waddell, Robert Skinner, and Marion Fletcher. Thank you for not only providing excellent interpreting services, but also for being an excellent example of skill and professionalism to the next generation of sign language interpreters. I wish I had a picture of the team all together, but here are some shots of them in action: