3rd Edinburgh Interpreting Research Summer School!

The 3rd Edinburgh Interpreting Research Summer School (EIRSS) will take place from 22 – 26 June 2015 ! EIRSS 2015 offers intensive research training for existing and future scholars in any field of Interpreting and will include lectures from our Guest Speaker Claudia Monacelli as well as leading Heriot-Watt Speakers, including Professor Ian Mason. It will be […]

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2015 call for PhD Scholarships in LINCS!

LINCS is now offering two School of Management and Languages (SML) Scholarships and one Professorial Scholarship for the next academic year, commencing September 2015! SML scholarships available: 2 The term of the Scholarships is three years. Successful candidates will be expected to make a contribution to activities in the Department in return for a fee-waiver, a maintenance […]

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Upcoming EdSign Lectures

Tuesday, 3rd March 2015, 6.30pm – 8.00pm [Title to be confirmed] Frankie McLean Paterson’s Land LG34, Moray House, School of Education, University of Edinburgh Tuesday, 14th April 2015, 6.30pm – 8.00pm Toward Normative Ethics in Community Interpreting: Moral Reasoning and Moral Discourse Robyn Dean Paterson’s Land LG34, Moray House, School of Education, University of Edinburgh […]

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IRC Seminars 2014/15 Semester 2

The Intercultural Research Centre seminar series for semester 2 has now be finalised! 17 February 2015 – 4.30 pm [MBG20] Dr Neringa Liubinienė Center of Social Anthropology, Vytautas Magnus University Kaunass, Lithuania Being a Transmigrant in the Contemporary World: Lithuanian Migrants’ Quests for Identity 18 February 2015 – 3.30 pm [EM336] Dr Kathryn Burnett School […]

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