Sign language research: Deaf-hearing involvement and research ethics

Click here to watch this blog post in BSL My topic for this week, the second week of the BSL blog, is on the relationship between ethics and deaf-hearing involvement in conducting research projects. After commencing employment here at Heriot-Watt University, I recently discovered that a joint funding bid to the EU Lifelong Learning Leonardo […]

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To charge or not to charge… That is the question Jemina Napier: I work here at Heriot-Watt in the Department of Languages and Intercultural Studies (LINCS). My expertise is in doing research on, and teaching, sign language interpreting, and I also work as a sign language interpreter. Since arriving at Heriot-Watt University I have discussed with my BSL team colleagues the idea of having […]

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4 Weeks of BSL

It’s now nearly 2 years since we announced the launch of our exciting and unique degrees in British Sign Language Translation and Interpreting. One of the reasons to study BSL here at Heriot-Watt is that on top of delivering excellent teaching, we also work closely with D/deaf and signing communities in research. So, for the […]

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Orkney Can Wait

The first time I met a Deaf person was in 2006 as a PhD student. I was asked to help out with BSL exams in Heriot-Watt, to make sure examiners were there and to look after the candidates. The Deaf examiner made me think how inspiring it was for someone to overcome a disability and […]

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