Signs and Wonders

After an exciting and successful opening year, Heriot-Watt’s undergraduate degree in Sign Language Interpreting will welcome a new group of students in September 2013 (and, at the same time, applications will open for the 2014 intake). We’ve designed the programme to take advantage of LINCS’ decades of experience in educating spoken language interpreters to the […]

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Putting a Smile on The Public Face of Languages

If you are a translator, interpreter, sociolinguist, anthropological linguist or any other kind of linguist, there is a lot to get annoyed about. Courses are closing, rates are (in places) dropping, respect is on the wane and hardly a day goes by without some newspaper publishing a story about some new gadget that will entirely […]

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If you are disappointed that the submission date for abstracts to the IPCITI conference has now passed, we have good news for you: registration is open and will remain open until one month before the start of the conference. With a lineup of guest speakers including: Claudia Angelleli, Delia Chiaro, Elena Davitti and LINCS’ own […]

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The Ethics of Not Competing

Before I get into the subject of today’s post, I want to start on common ground. The language industries and especially the translation and interpreting professions are built on trust. There has to be a great deal of trust between clients and agencies, agencies and freelancers and even between competitors. In that atmosphere, some things […]

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