We are delighted to confirm our next EdSign lecture by Dr John Bosco Conama from Trinity College Dublin, on Tuesday 6 November, 6.30PM, at Deaf Action: Who decides? – Language education policies for Deaf children Selected findings from a comparative analysis of Finnish and Irish policies on signed languages John will talk about comparative language […]
Month: October 2012
Is it all over for Interpreting?
If you believe the hype, the interpreting profession is on its last legs. NTT Docomo, the biggest mobile phone network has at last managed to provide a service that allows anyone with a smartphone to instantly have their words interpreted. According to this article from the BBC, other companies are working on the same technology. […]
Why Bother Doing Research? Part II
It must seem very odd. Just occasionally, trained, experienced professionals choose to return to the academic arena from whence they came to study a PhD. Despite the fact that, as we revealed a few weeks ago, research is highly necessary for the Translation and Interpreting industries, it still might seem puzzling why people would voluntarily […]
Help us improve BSL recognition in Scotland
In previous posts, we have talked about our interest in minority languages. We are also very proud to have become the first Scottish university to offer a four year undergraduate degree in British Sign Language and Translation or Interpreting. Now, we would like you to help the D/deaf and signing communities in Scotland to go […]
Your Training, Your Way?
In a recent post, we started thinking about the usefulness of translation and interpreting degrees. It was very encouraging to see the response from LifeinLINCS readers. Now, it’s time for your views to take centre stage. A few people here at LINCS would like to run online courses, centred on what you want to learn. […]
Translator Sayings
(in honour of International Translation Day) Here at Heriot-Watt, we love doing cutting edge research but we can also have a bit of fun. On Wednesday, normal service will be resumed with a post on why some of our PhD students chose to do research. But for now, in honour of International Translation Day, here […]